Wednesday 21 September 2011

Texual Analysis of the 'Snikers' Advert.

The way the advert has been layed out and made to look is all made to form a certain reaction from the  audiance, and every detail is a form of advertisment and persuasion. The fact that Mr T Is such an iconic sterotypical 'Man' automatically integiues and attracts audiance, and the fact that the insutution decided to give him that expression is another way  the advert ingages with the audiance as his facial expression connotes anger and the 'Tough guy' persona which the population oif the audiance would most likely relate to Mr T. The audiance for this Ad is most likely to be between the ages of 16-30, Male.

The colours and layout is a way of putting the message the insitution wants across, the fact that the left hand and Snikers Bar is presented as 3D and coming of the screen and toward the audiance is another effect used to strike the audiance with the advert which relates backl to the target audiance and colours used, the coours are dark and could be seen as being more masculine with colours like black, red and gold and the blue  writting of 'Snikers' being in a big chunky font is also another factor that reflects the audiance profile the ad is aimed at.

The Distrubuters of the advert is the 'Snikers' company, and the fact that they produced a poster as a promotion platform connotes that the audiance could already be aware of 'Snikers' and the fact that they use such Mr T as there main marketing point, so not much information was needed for the audiance to understand the advert.
Interestingly the idea behind the fact that they choose to use 'GET SOME NUTS!' automatically leaves an imprint on the audiance, and is a typical way of Iconography and relates strait to Mr T and because 'Snikers' is such a large institution and globally known it all ties together when advertising the Chocolate bar.
The fact that the lighting used is also Low key lighting and the fact that the main spot light is fixated on Mr T and the 'Snikers' bar connnotes that they are central and most important within the Mise-on-Scene of the advert.

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