Sunday, 25 September 2011

To what extent is The opening of Children of Men ‘cinematic genius’.

The fist 10 mins of Children and men is cinematic genius, as it does not only strait away engage the audience it also makes you want to watch more which should be the pure purpose of films. I believe the target audience for "Children of men" is between 16-35 as it is a more sophisticated scientific based narrative with some strong language. From the first 10mins i can already tell that the narrative is that the world has had 2 whole decades of human infertility and the distress this has caused upon mankind. I believe it was an extremely engaging was to bring in the narrative with the "death of the youngest" human as it automatically leaves the audience with a yearning to know why? and how? and what brang upon this tragedy?
The view this text represents is that off all, as so far the text had followed around a normal looking man around early 30's with a 9-5 job, this connotes the idea the film has been created for all and no specific class or society of people.
The CGI used during the explosion is what makes the first scene such a 'cinematic genius' as it allows the audience to experience being in that position themselves and therefore drawing the audience in.

214 Words.

Friday, 23 September 2011

1. Decide whether you think celebrities should recieve payouts for having thier voicemails tapped - they put themselves out there in the first place so should our access to their lives be limitless?
Yes i think that even celebs have the same rights as a human, and privacy is a basic human right, and should apply to anyone weather wealthy or not, human rights apply to everyone. even celebs. Another reason could be that, even though celebs choose to put there selves out in the spot light of media and the public, they do not choose to have there privacy breached as even celebs have a limit to how much of there private life they want to be leaked and by phone hacking it just doesnt breach this limit it also exposes secrets that shouldnt be exposed and could lead to much worse senarioes such as the "Milly Dowler" case where it lead to much more anger and heartbreak then the "News iof the world" could have ever imagined.

3. Access one or two of his publications and examine the representation of this case by media that he controls.
 The fact that these are both average publications of the "News of the world" just shows how much of a gossipy newspaper it was. firstly the idea that the main news tends to be onm the front page of a newspaper and the fact that the main headlines are to do with gossip, eg: 'Prince Harrys split with Chelsy'.

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Texual Analysis of the 'Snikers' Advert.

The way the advert has been layed out and made to look is all made to form a certain reaction from the  audiance, and every detail is a form of advertisment and persuasion. The fact that Mr T Is such an iconic sterotypical 'Man' automatically integiues and attracts audiance, and the fact that the insutution decided to give him that expression is another way  the advert ingages with the audiance as his facial expression connotes anger and the 'Tough guy' persona which the population oif the audiance would most likely relate to Mr T. The audiance for this Ad is most likely to be between the ages of 16-30, Male.

The colours and layout is a way of putting the message the insitution wants across, the fact that the left hand and Snikers Bar is presented as 3D and coming of the screen and toward the audiance is another effect used to strike the audiance with the advert which relates backl to the target audiance and colours used, the coours are dark and could be seen as being more masculine with colours like black, red and gold and the blue  writting of 'Snikers' being in a big chunky font is also another factor that reflects the audiance profile the ad is aimed at.

The Distrubuters of the advert is the 'Snikers' company, and the fact that they produced a poster as a promotion platform connotes that the audiance could already be aware of 'Snikers' and the fact that they use such Mr T as there main marketing point, so not much information was needed for the audiance to understand the advert.
Interestingly the idea behind the fact that they choose to use 'GET SOME NUTS!' automatically leaves an imprint on the audiance, and is a typical way of Iconography and relates strait to Mr T and because 'Snikers' is such a large institution and globally known it all ties together when advertising the Chocolate bar.
The fact that the lighting used is also Low key lighting and the fact that the main spot light is fixated on Mr T and the 'Snikers' bar connnotes that they are central and most important within the Mise-on-Scene of the advert.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Twiiter Doc Screening!

I think the Twitter Doc would be an amazing thing to screen, but aswell as help us with oue Media Studies and to understand twitter, i think it would help us and other youngesters who use Twitter to know the more benifits or even default's of using these social networking sites, to which there are dangers and they need to be made aware, but one the other hand there could be life changing possitives; take Jamal Edwards; who became "Britains Youngest and Newsest Entrepreneur" through Youtube and currently has his own Channel and is his own boss, advertised in Google Chrome advert.

Choose a text and Apply two key concepts.

The representation of different groups and stereotyping is very strongly put across through this media text as it shows the female sex group as nothing more than useful objects using religion. The fact that the text below was said to be written in the kitchen is ironic and represents females as they were to be used as maids... as if they were un-equal to Males or even created for the male sex, hence "Make me a sandwich"- Ordering the female around as though she is his property.
The genre of the text is to put forward a perticular stereotype, In this case that "Women belong in the kitchen". Its could also be seen as to be humorous as all other stereotypes are made to be seen. This could also be seen as intertextuality with the image that has been altered to present a certain message.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Media Studies.. What i have learnt!

What have i learnt this year? Well I've mostly learnt how to intensely and thoughtfully analyse Media texts which was my biggest downfall in Media. another thing i have learnt is that there is more to TV and magazines and other Media platforms that to just entertain people.. Media texts have also other purposes such as, for personal identity or even just to be a way to interact socially with others, create conversation.
I have gained allot from Media this year so far.. and as the lessons go on, media helps me not only to gain a A-Level but to also understand the world around me and the purpose of everything.. Because everything is a Media Text.
Thankx's :)